86’ing Menu Item or Modifier through ingredient.

Another option to 86menu item or modifier is by searching through ingredients

    Step 1 : Login to grubOPS

    Step 2 : Navigate to 86ing page

    Step 3 : Select Brand & Location from filter drop down list

    Step 4 : Chose item type as “Ingredient”

    Step 5 : View all menu items related to the ingredient by clicking on “expand” button next to the ingredient

    Step 6 : View all modifiers related to the menu item by clicking on “expand” button next to the menu item

    Step 7 : Change status of some menu items related to the ingredient by clicking on “status” toggle next to the menu item

    Step 8 : Change status of all menu items related to the ingredient by clicking on “Enable all” or “Disable all” button next to the ingredient

    Step 9 : Select 86ing period

    Step 10 : Confirm selection