If you wish to add a printer to your GrubPOS, please follow the steps below:
- Click on the settings button on the top right corner of the screen.
- From the settings dashboard, select Hardware Configuration from the side bar menu on the left.
- Click on Printer & Receipt from the drop down menu.
- Once you see the printer dashboard , you can choose between options ‘’Add printer manually’’ or ‘’Add label printer manually’’
- System will show loading icon and will search for available printers in the network
- Select the required printer and edit the information or click either ‘’Add printer manually’’ or ‘’Add label printer manually’’ buttons to add printers manually.
Adding Printer Manually / Printer Settings - Enter Printer Name.
- Enter Printer IP address.
Configurations for the printer are as following; - Print the kitchen ticket: it enables to print the receipt automatically by the time new order is placed
- Print the pre-receipt: it enables to print the pre-payment receipt on click to Print Receipt button on the Checkout screen
- Print the receipt: it enables to print the taxable receipt (the invoice) automatically by the time payment is completed
Tips 💡: Each setting mentioned above can be configured more in detail for different channels.
- Print the void order receipt: when the toggle is on it enables to print receipt showing that order is voided
- Print the complimentary order receipt: when the toggle is on, it enables to print receipt showing that order is comped
- Allow reprint: when the toggle is on, it enable you to Reprint the receipt
- Languages: you can select the language for the receipt. System support below languages for the receipt
- Print split bills: if you select 'Multiple bills' option, then system will print receipt according to number of splits or if you select 'One bill', then the system will print one receipt even bill is split.
- Click ‘'Save’’ button on the top right.
- The new printer will then be visible on the printer settings dashboard.
You have successfully added a new printer.
Adding Printer Manually / Receipt Settings
Configurations for the printer are as following;
- Print logo: when the toggle is on, it shows the brand logo on the pre-receipt and the receipt
- QR code link: QR on the receipt either can direct to E-invoice or you can add any link you need to direct the QR code
- Print voided items: when the toggle is on, it shows the voided items on the receipt & pre-receipt
- Print complimentary items: when the toggle is on, it shows the comped items on the receipt & pre-receipt
- Print item notes: when the toggle is on, it shows the item level customer notes on the receipt
- Print order notes: when the toggle is on, it shows the order level customer notes on the receipt
- Print tax notes: when the toggle is on, it shows the tax rates with details on the receipt
- Adding footers: there is optional text field to be shown on the receipt footer, you can use it to show any text you want to show on the receipt
- Adding headers: there is optional text field to be shown on the receipt header, you can use it to show any text you want to show on the receipt
- Click ‘'Save’’ button on the top right.
- The new printer will then be visible on the printer settings with receipt configurations.
You have successfully added a new printer.