Dispatch an Order

Once your order is ready and eligible for delivery, you will need to dispatch the order. To do so, please follow the steps below:  

  • Log in to dispatcher from the delivery dashboard by clicking here .  
  • You will then be able to view the dispatcher dashboard.  
  • By default, you will see all the orders that are not dispatched in the Waiting For Pick Up tab. 
  • Orders will be assinged to the relevant delivery partner as per the delivery settings and delivery partner priority set in Grubcenter.
    Note💡: Incase if all delivery partners reject the delivery request, then the system will switch to manual mode for user intervention.
  • Find the order you wish to dispatch by either scrolling till you find it, or by typing in the ORDER ID in the Search box. 
  • Once you have found the order you wish to dispatch, click on the dispatch button on the far right of the screen.
    Note💡: An order can be dispatched once it has been marked as ready for dispatch.

Once the delivery is completed by the delivery partner, the delivery details (stages) will be updated and the order will then automatically move to the Completed tab.