You can filter your reports by selecting required time frame which will help you to view data accordingly. This allows you to filter and view real-time reports according to the set business day of the account and will help you to avoid entering time for each filter and will automatically display results based on business day of the location.
Step 1 : Login to GrubCenter as the user with Real-Time Reports permissions set (e.g. Admin)
Step 2 : Navigate to Real-Time reports section
Step 3 : Select required report (e.g. Sales)
Step 4 : Click on the button in the top left corner next to the report name
Step 5: View the time frame filter
All date-based filters will be displaying the Business Day. Custom filter will display calendar date which allows to select date & time
Business Day - day on which normal business operations are conducted which may differ from calendar day e.g. calendar day - starts at 00:00 and ends with 23:59; business day may end earlier or next day (Monday 18:00 - Tuesday 3:00)
Business day settings on GC - user can set different business day hours on GC → Locations → End of Business bay hh/mm. Every location may have different business days
e.g. If the user mentioned 02:00 as end of business day, that means that business day will start at 2:00am and end at 1:59am next day