Create a Location.

A Location is the physical location where you prepare your food. You can have multiple brands operating from the same location. 

If you have a new brand, you can add it to an existing location or create a new location if it operates from a place you don’t currently serve. To learn how to create a new brand click here

If you wish to create a new Location (a new physical location) in GrubCENTER, please follow the steps below: 

  • From the Account Settings category click on Locations

  • Click on the + New Location on the top right of the screen. 
  • Add in the New Location Info:  
  • Location Name 
  • Description. This step is optional. 
  • End of business Day
  • VAT % of the country you operate in.  
  • Select the Brand. (The brand can be an existing brand or a new brand) 
  • Once you select the brand choose the Mode of Serving (Pickup, Dine-in, Delivery). 
  • Click on "Next" button move the "Address" Section

Once you click Next you will be asked to fill in the Address of the Location , kindly add in: 

  • Telephone Number.
  • Email.
  • Country .
  • City.
  • Address 1.
  • Area.
  • Delivery Distance (in Kilometers).
  • Latitude .
  • Longitude.

  • Click Next. 
  • Once you click next add in the Tags. This step is optional. 

Please Note: The Location means a physical location and the Station could be a KDS or KDS Master. 

You have successfully created a new Location.