GrubKDS Orders Screen Description

The Orders Screen consists of the top bar and the left side bar:

Top Bar (from left to right)

  • The name of the active station and the KDS ID (Activation code).
  • Live: to view incoming and live kitchen order tickets (KOTs).
  • On Hold: a tab to view KOTs that have been put on hold.
  • Completed/Cancelled: a tab to view KOTs that have been completed or cancelled.
  • Troubleshootin & Support Buttons: Provides quick access to troubleshooting tools and support options to address any issues with the KDS device.
  • Settings: the settings cogwheel is used to log in to Settings Panel.

Left Side Bar (from top to bottom)

  • User Email: Displays the logged-in user's email address
  • Ordered Dishes: total ordered dishes across all the orders received at the station but not yet completed.

Additionally, the layout of the order screen could be customized based on the users preference through the KDS Management section on settings. The Layout, Font Sizes and order in displaying the orders etc.