View orders on GrubOPS

In grubOPS  you can view the short description of an order or more details.

To view the main information of an order simply search for the order number and you will be able to view:

    • Order Number
    • Customer Name
    • Brand
    • Kitchen
    • Status
    • Date & Time
    • Order source
    • Order channel
    • Delivery partner
    • Print e-invoice button
    • Customer location To view more details, click on an order and it will expand to show the following fields:

      • Order Summary

      Find details about the order such as Brand Name, Status & Progress of the order,  Method, Order No, Source, Type and Kitchen. You may find as well details about the customer such as name, mobile number, address and email address.

      • Delivery details

      Find details about the 3PL delivery partner, if applicable, such as delivery partner name, driver name, driver mobile number, driver ID, Reference ID and Tracking ID and a link to track the order live.

        • Order details

        Find details about the order such as menu items ordered, quantities, price, sub-total, discount, tax, delivery charge and total amount

      • Order history

      Find details about the statuses of the order from the time of order creation to assigning driver e.g., Order Accepted, Station Assigned, Order Created, etc.

      NOTE: some of the above details such as Delivery details or Customer location, might not be available or not based on the aggregator and the channel restrictions.


    Dine in order view will be displayed without delivery details section as shows below