The bulk import feature in GrubCENTER allows you to import your menu items in bulk instead of manually creating new menu items in GrubCENTER one by one.
To learn how to Bulk import menu items please follow the steps below:
- Click on the Menu tab on the left side bar and choose the subcategory 'Menu Items'
- Click on the ' Add Menu Item' button on the top right of the screen.
- Select 'Bulk Import'.
- You will then be able to see the import dashboard, that mentions the steps to bulk import.
- Step 1: Download the Menu Item template, and fill out all the menu item information.
- Step 2: Once you have filled out the Menu Item template with all the new Menu Items you wish to import, Drag & Upload the file OR click on Browse Files to upload the completed Menu Item Template.
- Click Upload.
You have successfully bulk imported your Menu Items.