Edit the Minimum Quantity Level of an Item.

If you wish to edit the minimum quantity level of an item, please follow the steps below:  

  • Under the Inventory tab choose the subcategory Stock on Hand
  • If you have multiple kitchens, select the kitchen you wish to edit the minimum quantity level of the items for.
  • Once you see the stock on hand dashboard, Click on the search box on the top right of the screen .
  • Enter in either the Item Name or SKU of the item’s minimum quantity level you wish to change.
  • Once you find the Item of choice, click on the Green Edit button on the far right.  

    stock on hand dashboard
  • You will then be able to edit the MIN level of the item.
  • Once you have made the edit, Click Save. 

    edit minimum level

You have successfully edited the minimum quantity level of the item.