Manage Wastage.

To manage the inventory that could be wastage please follow the steps below:  

  • Under the Inventory tab choose the subcategory Stock on Hand.
  • If you have multiple brands, select the Location you wish to manage the waste for. 
  • You will then be able to see the Stock on Hand Dashboard.
  • Click on the Stock Management button on the top right corner of the screen. 

  • Choose the option Manage Waste from the drop-down menu.
  •  You will then be able to see all the items that are available in stock.  
  • Fill in the following information:  
  • Wastage Quantity  
  • Unit  
  • Reason (Damaged / General Wastage / Expired/ Cancelled Orders) 

  • Once you have updated the wastage, Click Done. 

Please Note💡: You will not be able to see items in this list that are out of stock, below minimum level or their expiry date has passed. 

You have successfully managed your wastage.