Types of Reports

  • Sales

    The Sales Report covers order level details such as brand, channel, order ID, customer name, gross revenue, and discount code.
  • Locations

    The Locations Report provides an overview of number of orders by location, gross revenue, net revenue and average order value.
  • Menu Item

    The menu item Report outlines gross revenue, number of orders and average quantity per day by recipe.
  • Modifier

    The Modifier Report outlines gross revenue, number of orders and average quantity per day by modifier.
  • Discounts performance

    The discount  performance report outlines the performance of discounts applied across number of orders and total sales made from the total discounts applied.

  • Sales Summary

    The Sales Report provides an overview of sales by day, sales by payment method, and a sales summary by channel.
  • Delivery

    The Delivery Report covers metrics such as driver assignment time, order completed to pick up time, delivery time, and delivery charges.

  • Cancelled Orders

      The Cancelled Orders Report provides a list of the cancelled orders sharing details about the date, Order ID, Brand Name, Kitchen, Channel and Reason for rejection.

    • Item Availability (86 Report)

    The Item Availability Report offers a list with all the items that have been marked as out of stock from the KDS sharing information such as when and why they have been disabled.

    • Customers

    The Customer Report shares information about all the customers that have placed orders for the brand(s). Based on the information shared by the food aggregators, the list can offer details on name, phone number, email and address.

    • Inventory 
      The inventory reports are categorized ranging from your inventory receival, closing stock, return, gross profit and consumption. 
    • Inventory Consumption - You will be able to access inventory reports based on the amount of your total inventory that was consumed. 
    • Inventory Cycle Counts - The cycle counts report provides consolidated cost results of cycle counts reviews which enhances data visibility. 
    • Inventory Receival - Inventory that was received at the restaurant when a purchase order was placed and received at the kitchen.
    • Inventory Gross Profit - The gross profit of your inventory which focuses on the value of your inventory.
    • Inventory Return - Inventory return reports which highlight the inventory returns made to your supplier. 
    • Inventory Closing Stock -  Inventory closing stock report which highlights the stock you have remaining in the kitchen at the end of your reporting period. 
    • Inventory wastage -  Inventory wastage report which highlight the wastage transactions recorded in the system enriching user experience

    • Station Performance

    The station performance reports provide enhanced visibility on the kitchen's order preparation details. The reports allow the user to understand the preparation time of the items ordered across all brands and ordering channels, providing the user with operational efficiency and transparency.