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Void/Comp an Order or Item
Getting started
User Creation
Update your GrubTech Applications on a SUNMI Device
Update your GrubTech Applications on an Android Tablet
Compatible Hardware
Menu Management
Modifier Groups
Menu Items
KDS - Order Management
grubKDS Master
Void/Comp an Order or Item
Shift Management
Add Transactions
Pay Later Management
Table Settings
Receipt & Printer Management
Order Dispatching
Data & Reports
Real-Time Reports
86'ing on GrubOPS
Orders on GrubOPS
Reporting on GrubOPS
Location & Station Set-up
Location Management
Stations and Routing
gPicker - Order Management
Back to home
Help Center
Void/Comp an Order or Item
Getting started
User Creation
Update your GrubTech Applications on a SUNMI Device
Update your GrubTech Applications on an Android Tablet
Compatible Hardware
Menu Management
Modifier Groups
Menu Items
KDS - Order Management
grubKDS Master
Void/Comp an Order or Item
Shift Management
Add Transactions
Pay Later Management
Table Settings
Receipt & Printer Management
Order Dispatching
Data & Reports
Real-Time Reports
86'ing on GrubOPS
Orders on GrubOPS
Reporting on GrubOPS
Location & Station Set-up
Location Management
Stations and Routing
gPicker - Order Management
Learn how to punch in dine in orders, orders received through the phone for delivery and pick up.
What is GrubPOS?
Log in to GrubPOS
How to update g'POS from GrubCenter.
GrubPOS Home Page catalogue.
Clock In.
Clock out.
Prepare a Dine-in Order (Manually punch in an order)
Prepare an order for Delivery (Manually punch in an order)
Prepare a Pick-up order (Manually punch in an order)
Add a modifier to your orders.
Apply a discount to your Menu Item
Add promotions to your order
How to switch brands
How to View order history
Delete a drafted order.
Open Register.
Close register.
Void/Comp an Order or Item
Void a closed order.
Void/comp an order
Void/ Comp an Item
Re-open a closed order.
Shift Management
Generate a report per staff.
Generate a report for a specific staff member(s)
Add Transactions
What is Add Transaction?
Add a transaction.
View transaction history.
Pay Later Management
What is Pay Later Management?
Pay later with a coupon.
Create a new coupon.
Edit coupon details.
Put a coupon on Hold.
Resume a coupon put on hold.
Change an already applied coupon.
Cancel viewing the coupon list.
Add a Coupon Provider.
See more
Table Settings
Merge & Detach Tables.
Create a group.
Transfer Item.
Transfer table.
Edit the name of an existing table group.
See more
Receipt & Printer Management
Add a Printer to GrubPOS
Enable footer note on the receipt
Enable Tax Notes on the Receipt.
Switch on/off receipts in dine in, delivery and pick up orders.
Delete a printer
See more